Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Floor for a Classroom

The community of La Fe is starting to hold classes (K-6th) in their own community. The problem is that they do not really have a god place for these classes. So, two families are allowing the use of part of their homes so that the community can have a 'school.' When classes started, about 2 weeks ago, only a small portion of this area had a floor that was not dirt.

Mike helping mix concrete.
That is in the process of changing! The community leaders asked us if we would be able to give them money so that they could make the floor, but we do not want to start off by just giving them things. So, we had to unfortunately, tell them "No." This was really hard, because for us, this expense is pretty small. 

Ashley helping to make the floor level.
The Lord provided in an awesome way! He allowed them to acquire the materials, but Ashley and I were able to give them both time and sweat, in the form of manual labor, in order to help them with their floor. It is not finished yet, but hopefully will be next week! Praise the Lord that He provided for them and that we were able to love La Fe by providing labor.

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