Saturday, July 16, 2011

Back in San Jose

Today we ended our time, for now, in Honduras. We were able to see the CovCom team off, help clean up the dorm rooms (another team arrived about 8 hours after ours left), and spend a little more time with the long-term team before we had to go to airport and return to our current home.

I-Know-I-Am-Not-In-the-USA when...The woman behind me (and others as well) brings her cups (yes, plural) of coffee through the security checkpoint in the airport. I guess security figures that people here in Central America are too serious about their coffee to mix explosives into it.

Now that we are back home, we will dig back into our Spanish studies. Both Ashley and I had a very different experience in Honduras than we did two years ago since we were able to communicate much more with the Hondurans.

1 comment:

  1. mike and ashley our free global SPREAD THE WORD TALK WITH THE LORD program inspires daily talks catch they need your help with first question our blogs help g hubbard po box232 ponte vedra fl 32004
