Monday, May 27, 2013


We got to know Marla and her family very early in our time in La Fe. For about seven months we held a medical clinic in her family's house every other Monday. They graciously opened their house and gave up the use of half of it so that we could serve the medical needs of the community. Marla and her family attend a local church and have for most of her life.

Marla is 18 and is in her second year of high school. This year we are helping her attend school by providing school supplies, books, and the occasional help on homework. Marla often comes to our Ninos de La Fe weekly program for kids and has begun helping Ashley teach the lesson. Is it so awesome to see her want to serve the younger kids in her community by helping out this way! Marla is also the most faithful student for our weekly English class.

Gotta love hammocks!
Please pray that Marla's relationship with Jesus would grow and that she would embrace God's free gift of salvation in spite of the legalistic views of many in this culture. Also pray that Marla would continue to have the desire to serve others in her community.

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