Friday, May 3, 2013


Brayan lives in the house behind where we hold our regular events in La Fe. He lives with his grandmother, aunt and uncle, and some cousins and is 8 years old. Since we starting holding events in the area behind his house, he has been a regular. He has a precious smile and loves playing (soccer mostly) with his cousins and other friends that are close to his same age. 

About two weeks ago, Brayan was in a horrible accident in a fire (they burn their trash). He was burned very severely in both of his feet and his left hand. He spent most of the last two weeks in a hospital in San Pedro, but when he returned he was not healing well. We were able to take him to see Doctor Roger (the doctor our team hired to run the medical clinic in Armenia Bonito) and he has cared for him and treated his burns. It seems as though Brayan is improving, but the burn on his left hand still has Dr. Roger a little concerned.

Brayan with Tino and Christian Manuel
Please pray that Brayan's body would be healed and that as we help with his physical needs, we would point him to his true need of Jesus. Pray that Brayan would be able to walk on his own again soon and that he would be able to be the fun, energetic kid that he always has been.

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