Sunday, July 10, 2011

What does this pedal do again?

Today,  I drove a car for the first time in over 6 months! Actually, it was a big van.

I got to drive to the airport to pick up the team from Covenant Community Church that we are working with this week! It was so much fun seeing them come through the door after they went through customs.

After picking them up, we took them to our home for the week, the new dorm facility that team Honduras has been working on for quite a long time. There are a few in the group that came last year, and they all say the housing accommodations are a huge upgrade and are so nice!

Next, we went to the Clow's house for 'gringo church,' orientation, and dinner.

As per usual, there were lots of not planned things that happened today. 1. Mike Pettengill, our team leader, woke up this morning sick. 2. La Ceiba had a 'we are going to turn off the power for some reason' day, so we did not have electricity from about 7:45 am - 3:00 pm. 3. The Pettengill's house had a leak that I got to help John Clow fix.

Tomorrow we start really working (medical clinic, construction, and ESL class). 

I got to fill in for our sick team leader in leading the devotional for 'gringo church'
Thank you all for your prayers! Please pray that our team leader, Mike, will be healed quickly.


  1. Yeah!!! What a blessing that you and Ashley could be there especially with Mike P. being sick. It must be super exciting for you all to be there where you will be soon. Praying and thinking of you all. Sorry the peanut butter did not make it into Adam's bag. I had 2 whole jars from Costco for you. I need to send it to you.

  2. Way to go my friend! thank you SO Much for jumping in and going with the flow! A true team member :-) love ya!
