Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Over the last 6 weeks, I have noticed a lot of things that are different here in San Jose than they are in Phoenix or any of the other places I have lived. Different does not mean better or worse, just different. Some are small and don't really affect daily life and others are quite major and are really important to know in order to get around or not insult others.

One thing that stuck out to me is that most of the roads around here do not have names and numbers. This surprised me since San Jose is a city of 1.5 million people.

Without road names and numbers, giving directions is not so easy (its not easy in Spanish for me at this time either). So, people use landmarks to give directions or, in some cases, landmarks that are not even there anymore.

Last week, I had to go to the bank to exchange money. So, when I got to the counter I had to give them the address where I was living. What this really means is that I had to give them directions to where I am living. So, here is what I gave them:

De la Capilla Catolica del Bosque
100 este y 75 norte
casa amarillo con portones cafe a mano izquierda

From the Bosque Catholic Chapel
100 meters east and 75 meters north
yellow house with large brown door on the left-hand side

NOTE: This is not a mailing address. If you would like to send us something, let me know and I will give you the correct mailing address.  :)

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