Thursday, February 27, 2014

Training & Travel

This week I attended a 3-day leadership foundations course with Global Training & Development, the training branch of MTW. We have looked into topics such as group dynamics, what it a Christian leader?, listening, setting goals, and much more. We interacted and worked through various situations ministry often face in cross-cultural settings.

I feel blessed to have been able to receive this information and also to have had the time to meet and study alongside other leaders - most of which are currently leading teams in Latin America. This training will help me in our current ministry in Honduras and also in the future as we are a part of other projects and ministries.

While I was sitting in the classroom, Ashley took a trip to Tupelo, Mississippi. During her three days there, she was able to spend a bunch of time with some family, meet with some current supporters, and even share the ministry with a new church body.

While we don't like being apart from each other, we were able to both get things done and build relationships. We are thankful for the opportunities we each had and how the Lord used them to grow us and His kingdom!

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