Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today was a day that is not normally blogged about. It was not the kind of day we usually talk about with supporters. It was an admin day.

What does that mean? Well, it means that Ashley and I spent the day doing paperwork kind of stuff. I don't know what things were like before computers and internet in missions, but I know now that part of my job as a missionary involves sitting at my computer and filling out some paperwork.

It isn't that this is a large part of my job, but there are certain things I have to do. We have to keep track of receipts, write thank you letters, call supporters, plan future work... So, we have to set aside days here and there in order to make sure these things get done since neither of us prefer to fill in a spreadsheet when we could be loving on some needy kids.

My favorite part of all of these admin jobs is when I get to talk with supporters. It is enjoyable to share with pastors, mission committee chairs, friends, and family what we are doing and how we are doing. It is also great to hear how they are doing as well. We also like to hear how we can pray for our supporters because we know the prayer is important and we care deeply about those who are praying and giving so that we can be here.

Today I wrote a few thank you letters, talked with two pastors and two missions chairmen, filed receipts, (blogged...), responded to a bunch of emails, found out (hopefully) how to get an extension on our visas and Ashley did a lot of similar things as well. I did not speak any Spanish or even leave the house, but it was a productive day. It is certainly worth it to have a day like this every few weeks because we love being here and love the work that we are beginning.

PS. I just saw that this is my 100th blog post! Fun stuff.

1 comment:

  1. We miss seeing you all around the ILE campus! God Bless!!
