Friday, December 11, 2009


December, 2009 through September, 2010 is 10 months. 

100% divided by 10 months is 10% per month. 

So, if 100% is $5,700 in monthly pledges, then 10% is $570 in monthly pledges.

If you are sticking with me, that means that every month between now and the end of September (our goal for leaving the US) we need to raise 10% of our support, or $570.

That being said, we have received $600 in pledges this past week!!!  That means we are on (well, just a little ahead of) schedule.  Praise the Lord!

We would definitely love to leave earlier than Oct. 1, if that is what the Lord wants for us.  Ashley and I have a heart for the people of Honduras and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them.  In our hearts, we are ready to be there now and will go if we are able to leave sooner.    -M

1 comment:

  1. Love the math, Mike. I am so glad you all started a blog. What a great way to stay on top of what you are thinking, feeling, and needing in prayers. I only wish I was able to hear them in person but I know how busy we all are these days. Sad but that is life. I am so excited for you but sad at the same time. I am not sure that sadness will ever go away. I love seeing both your smiling, worshiping, and glowing faces.
